
    • Why Do People Perform Lion and Dragon Dances on Days of Jubilation?


    • The first face's design is similar before the Chinese lion dance's face.


    • Lion, as playing the Lions or the Lions Club.

      舞狮, 俗称耍狮子或狮子会.

    • The Lantern Festival: Lantern , rice ball, riddles, lion dancing , dragon dancing.

      元宵节: 花灯, 汤圆, 谜语, 舞狮, 舞龙.

    • In normal times more than lion dance teams dispatched lion dance celebrating the festive days.


    • In the Shishi stadium, the extremely high rate lets the lion dance contestant burst out warmly.

      在石狮市体育馆, 极高的上座率让舞狮选手热情迸发.

    • In my hometown, people seldom have the opportunity to see the lion dance during Spring Festival.

      在我的家乡, 现在过年已经很少见到舞狮表演了.

    • Dances of dragons, unicorns, and lions ensure good luck for the coming year.

      舞龙 、 麒麟和舞狮确保了来年的好运.