He believed in the philosophy of Russell.
Mr Zhang Songnian once translated an essay by Bertrand Russell.
He lives at No 95 Russell Square / Sq.
This demands the pen of a Russell.
A beneficent microclimate brings out the camellias betimes ( John Russell )
有利的小气候使山茶花提前开放 ( 约翰罗素 )
Mr. Russell have the right of administer the school.
It can be accessed from Paradise Rd, Russell St, and Highway 215.
它可以从天堂路, 罗素街, 与公路215.
His family moved to Sydney, Australia when Russell was 4 years old.
Not so the top universities that make up the " Russell group ", however.
构成 “ 罗素联盟 ” 的顶尖大学却不是这样.
Russell: Not as much as the man asked for. He wanted $ 45.
罗素: 没有那人开价那么多. 他要四十五元.
We have a special guest here: Mr. Russell Crowe.
我们邀请到一位特殊嘉宾: 罗素.克洛先生.
Bertrand Russell ( 1872 - 1970 ) was an internationally famous British philosopher.
伯特兰-罗素 ( 1872-1970 ) 是一位世界知名的英国哲学家.
What I Have Lived For --- by Bertrand Russell.
“我的人生追求”--- 伯特兰.罗素.
The company has found innovative ways to save money, says Mr Russell.
Charles Darwin and Alfred Russell Wallace discovered evolution independently.