Abram brought all these to him, cut them in two and arranged the halves opposite each other; the birds, however, he did not cut in half.
亚伯兰就取了这些来,每样劈开,分成两半,一半对着一半地摆列,只有鸟没有劈开。Screen angle is defined as net-point center vertical line and a horizontal line between the angles, which reflects arranged locations.
网角是指网点边际笔直连线与水平线之间的夹角,它反响了网点的摆列标的目的。No one gathered less than ten homers . Then they spread them out all around the camp.
至少的也取了十贺梅珥,为自己摆列在营的四围。Like the piezoelectric ink jet printing technology, a series of nozzles arranged in together, you will get a larger printing range.
像不抬电式喷印技艺差别,不兵一系列喷嘴摆列在一路,不离会获得更不小的喷印边界。Imagine a stack of manuscripts'check, bookbinding finished arrangements should appear as shown in the diagram.
想象有如下图的一叠稿件,装订达成之后的摆列答如图所示。Same grating gate talocalcanealsepuent alphabetical order a set of pictures of each picture in the appropriate bit in the information.
统一平栅栅距初等间距挨次摆列一组图片洋每张图片的相答位边新闻。Some of their relatives of the sons of the Kohathites were over the showbread to prepare it every sabbath.
他们族弟兄哥辖子孙中、有管理陈设饼的、每安息日豫备摆列。These in descending order of similar data element set is called array.
这些顺次摆列地同类数据元素地汇合称为数组。And thou shalt set them in two rows, six on a row, upon the pure table before the LORD.