Five minutes later, still in midtown, he stopped outside a newsstand-cum-convenience store and pointed towards the door: "You buy map. "
五分钟以后,我们还没有出中城。他把车停在一家报刊亭兼便利店的门外,指着店门对我说:“你去买地图。”The chemist is between the newsagent and the bank.
药店在报刊亭和银行之间。Enjoy the service from " " digital newspaper kiosks to subscribe to the required reading, there may be a monthly or annual basis.
享受这一服务的用户可以通过“数字报刊亭”来订阅所需读物,费用有可能按月或按年收取。One needs look no further than the newsstand, local television news broadcast, or talk show to find ample evidence that this is the case.
一个需要一面,报刊亭,当地电视新闻节目,或谈话节目找到足够的证据表明,是这种情况。The bank is opposite the newsagent's.
银行在报刊亭对面。Starting today, all newspaper and magazine stands in Beijing have temporarily stopped sale of prepaid SIM cards.
今起,北京市报刊亭暂缓各类手机号卡的销售。Today, when we walk into a bookstore, or stop by the newspaper kiosks, book and magazine asked us to behold.
此刻,当我们走进书店,或途经报刊亭,疮痍满目的书刊让我们答接不暇。Recently, consumers have the Nanchang, newspaper kiosks found in magazines, newspapers and books janiceran a price adjustment.
最近,不断有南昌的消费者发现,报刊亭里的杂志、报纸和书籍接二连三地进行了调价。Introducing a pay barrier can be akin to taking your newspaper off a newsstand.