
  • and then, strange to relate, the roc comes and carries them both away in her claws, for food for her young ones.


  • In a year, some 17 chicks were to be taken hack to the wild--Tongariro National Park's ten plus seven from two other nearby forests.


  • if the chicks eyes open Large, lift your head, ready to take off on its daring greater is the top grade birds, you can select.


  • Ostrich for service industry development, the company line in two forms to the realities of society to provide young, species of birds.


  • The young birds are not afraid of courageous people, people who domesticated strong, easy to tune.


  • The first care of the young bird as soon as fledged, and able to trust to his wings, is to perform the obsequies of his father.


  • It was interesting to watch the bird trying to protect its young.


  • Wide-winged and long-lived, albatrosses are rarely seen onland, preferring to stay out on the ocean except to mate and raise their young.


  • Specific bird species may also be declining due to predators that are taking over their homes, nests, and harming their eggs and babies.
