Mr. Anequaire, whose own clothes were pressed and shoes polished, said he had been overwhelmed with new children since the earthquake.
穿着整洁的衣服和锃亮的鞋子,Anequaire说道,它对地震后新来的孩子感到不知所措。'It's as well to be on the safe side, ' said the Rat reflectively, polishing a pistol-barrel on his sleeve and looking along it.
“保险点总没坏处吧,”河鼠沉吟着说,他把一支枪筒在袖子上擦得锃亮,顺着枪管察看。Hero helps himself out of his sports car and what you see is his legs and polished shoes that shows and suggests his character.
当电影中的英雄从跑车出来时,你会看到他的腿,以及可以表明或者暗示出他性格的锃亮的鞋子。It seemed to the little girl that she was sitting by a large iron stove, with polished brass feet and a brass ornament.
小姑娘觉得自己现在坐在一个大的铁制火炉旁边,火炉有擦得锃亮的黄铜脚架和黄铜装饰物。Lunch - the bouillon served in shining metal bowls, as in the remote summers of childhood - was one more peaceful and rewarding delight.
午饭(汤是盛在精光锃亮的金属碗里端来的,像遥远的儿时外出避暑时那样)又是宁静惬意的享受。With his big shiny forehead and podgy face, he looked like the class swot, rather than a revolutionary.
他的前额锃亮,脸胖乎乎的,看上去就像个教室里的书呆子,而不是革命家。The empty iron sheet hollows out on the bench, brightly burnished metal strip is reflecting the yellow light respectively.
空荡荡的铁皮镂空长椅上,锃亮的金属条子一根一根各自反射着黄光。I remember well the polished, old case fastened to the wall. The shiny receiver hung on the side of the box.
我依然清晰地记得那个固定在墙上、擦得锃亮的老式电话机,发亮的听筒挂在电话盒的一边。Suddenly his shoes may seem to take on a polish, and he will stop biting his fingernails.