
  • All she could do now was to shun the scornful gaze of men, and to bear in silence the great change that was coming upon her.


  • Conceding to unspoken pressures and telling people what they want to hear will not build strong relationships in the long run.


  • Whether it is nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles?


  • You should find some ways to speak up for yourself. It's not necessary to suffer in silence when others are rude to you.


  • I would not want to put the family at risk over something my wife does not deem important. So I bear my resentment silently.


  • But even if they get hurt, they would not choose to open their hearts to fully justify it, or suffer in silence.


  • Correspondents say that means they often have little or no choice but to put up with violence and harassment.


  • We shivered in the cold nights, and went hungry though the winters, when all the world was covered in ice and snow.


  • Once you have done this, the action of sucking it up and moving on should almost feel pleasurable.
