
  • And you want to visualize that chakra in its primary color of white, maybe with a little bit of gold spinning nice and open above your head.


  • You want to see it spinning nice and opening clockwise in its primary color of indigo and violet.


  • Then take your hand back and spin your chakra in its proper clockwise motion seeing it in its particular primary color.


  • Emphasizing the expressiveness of color, Marta uses golden, red and blue as main hue in her work.


  • He went to all over the city on to the sketch books, sometimes using water colors to lay in themes.


  • Lily: The main colors black and orange are also a part of Halloween. Black is a symbol for night and orange is the color of pumpkins.


  • The main colors for the bedroom for the elderly warm red and yellow and warm, comfortable and warm, suitable for the elderly live there.


  • Place a whole by the laying of granite stone, main colors for the warm, Grid showed patterns, colors elegant, chic.


  • Therefore, style and color of the sofa must and home decoration, decoration with the main color of uniform.
