Paterson more than made up for the lack ofschooling with self-directed education, voraciously reading the classics ofpoetry and literature.
帕特森如饥似渴的阅读诗歌和文学经典,凭借自我导向的教育不仅弥补,而且还胜过了学校教育。Much of the southern literary canon sprang from native writers' fury at the backwardness and injustice they saw all around.
南方大多的文学经典之作都源自本土作家在目睹周遭的落后与不公之后燃起的忿忿怒火。The reading of literature classics is an important activity to construct one's spiritual home and create a poetic world.
文学经典阅读是一个人构建精神家园、创造诗意世界的重要活动。It focuses on the standard of literary canon. different scholars have their different understandings about literary canon.
学者们的不同观点产生了对文学经典不同的理解。At present, it is of importance to discuss the question about literary classics.
此时,探讨文学经典的问题无疑具有重要意义。The reading of literature classics makes it possible to enhance university students' aesthetic literacy.
因此,文学经典阅读提高大学生的审美素养成为可能。It is an undeniable fact that classical works are being popularized nowadays.
文学经典的大众化现象是当今一个不可忽略的事实。It will never disappear if the "centripetal" need continues though specific literary texts will change and develop with time.
具体的经典文本可能会不断推陈出新,但只要这种“向心”需求不消失,文学经典就不会消亡。It must overcome the paradoxical situation to construct the contemporary literary classics.