
汉语拼音:nián zhōng



  1. 即中年,壮年。

    《史记·扁鹊仓公列传》:“吾年中时,尝欲受其方。” 司马贞 索隐:“案年中,谓中年时也。中年,亦壮年也。古人语自尔。”

  2. 谓一年之内。如:这件事我一定在年中办妥。


  • Yamaichi had been one of Japan's top four brokerages, and its failure is considered an iconic marker of the era known as the "lost decade. "

  • There is still a chance that the divorce statistics might turn out to be better than the gloomy prediction from the ONS in coming years.

  • The sun "was thought to be having a cooling effect over the last few years, " Forster notes, a thought now shown likely to be mistaken.

  • If we had to raise revenues, it's fair to ask those of us in high-income groups, who got the primary benefit of growth over the last decade.

  • Every day for decades, engineer Phil Pressel would come home from work and be unable to tell his wife what he'd been doing all day.

  • "Many new cable systems are slated to enter service between Europe and Egypt in the next few years, " he said.

  • Keeping all this in mind, PILOT wanted to create a shape and design that was more simple than in year's past, but still unique.

  • I spent so much time on club activities during the four years. However, I did not miss any of my classes.

  • But for the last 35 years, the US has been trying to help China grow.
