
汉语拼音:xiāng xūn



    • "Aromatherapy oils" are not pure essential oils but dilutions.


    • 'Aromatherapy oils' are not pure essential oils but dilutions.


    • Oil and balm can be better, longer play a role.

      而且香薰油也可更好 、 更长的发挥作用.

    • Compared to L A air, secondhand smoke is like aromatherapy.

      与洛杉矶的空气相比, 二手烟简直就像香薰疗法.

    • Soft wind lingers amid the vapor of silence.


    • The church was scented by candles and incense.


    • A franchised store selling homely products, plush toys, scented candles, pet products ect.

      一家专卖家居小单品 、 毛绒玩具 、 香薰蜡烛 、 宠物用品等工艺品的特色小店.

    • Pharmaceutical ingredients are refined from the high - quality crystal mud, aloe and natural plant essential oils.

      选用优质水晶泥 、 芦荟,再配以天然植物香薰精油经过精心加工而成.

    • The smoke box: Can be convenient to put the fragrant one, graceful, economizing, environmental protection, etc.

      香薰盒: 可以方便摆放香薰条, 高雅 、 节约 、 环保等.

    • Herbal emollients and light, fresh aromatherapy essential oils work together to detangle and soften hair.

      草本的润滑剂,轻柔, 新鲜的香薰精油即能去除头发緾结又能柔顺发质.

    • This treatment include natural plant aromatherapy and a double mask treatment to increase treatment results.


    • Skin refreshing aromatic formulation refines and soothes skin condition ultimately achieving skin anti - aging results.

      香薰配方,细腻光滑肌肤的同时舒缓安抚紧张的皮肤,使皮肤达到 抗老化 的效果.

    • Scented candles are great to give to the couple a day before their honeymoon.


    • Esters in aromatherapy bath body product works as a fungicide and a sedative.


    • Any type of ( e. g . ignitable aromatic dispenser ) is prohibited the area ( including thethe Staircases ).

      在楼舍范围内, 不准生火 ( 包括全部明火的用品,如香薰 ).