
    • There is going to be a parent teacher meeting tomorrow.


    • At the same time there was a family meeting in school.


    • Xiao Wei mother attended the Parent's Meeting on Sunday.

      星期天. 妈妈去给小伟开家长会.

    • In life, sometimes parents will criticize us, this actually for our love.

      在生活中, 有时候家长会批评我们, 这其实是对我们的爱.

    • Please make your lunch reservation with PTA ( $ 3.00 each person ).

      已报名同学请至家长会订购午餐 ( 大人、小孩一律三元 ).

    • When he was a middle school student, there came another parent meeting.

      孩子上了初中, 又一次家长会.

    • We would like you to join the PTA.


    • PTA has begun to provide bulletin board service.


    • Once a term, there is a parents'meeting.


    • ISFP parents will be loyal, dedicated and self - sacrificing their children until they leave home.

      在孩子的成长中,ISFP型家长会是极为忠诚而专注,富有 自我牺牲 精神的.

    • I was given to understand that the parent would would attend this meeting.


    • Please complete the registration form below and return it to your class teacher or PTA.


    • Please pay $ 20 for the school Miscellaneous Fee by check to class coordinator or Sophia atdesk.


    • In addition, several permanent and ad hoc committees perform various duties for the Board.

      中文学校之校务由校长负责, 家长会协助之.

    • The Hong Kong Association for Parents of Gifted Children is a non - profit making organization.

      香港资优儿童家长会是一注册 非 牟利机构.