As a rule I don't go to the office on Saturday morning.
Generally speaking, parents love their children.
一般说来, 父母爱他们的孩子.
Generally, a book has an introduction.
一般说来, 书都有绪论.
Generally speaking, they are " intermediate " in some aspects between apes and men.
一般说来, 他们在某些方面是介乎猿和人之间的 “ 中间环节. ”
In general, fluxes and forces may have different tensorial characters.
一般说来, 力和通量可以具有不同的张量特征标.
The plant or animal has , in general, the power of reproduction.
一般说来, 植物或动物有生殖能力.
As a rule these materials do not show hysteresis.
In general, talent and industry should yield their just return.
Commonly, this is ascribed to the geographical conditions under which they lived.
一般说来, 这种情形被认为是其所处的地理环境所致.
The residual nucleus will, in general, undergo a radioactive transformation.
They were supposed to start work at six o'clock.
In general, I prefer a comedy to a tragedy.
一般说来, 我喜欢喜剧甚于悲剧.
This is an extreme case, generally complete extinction does not occur.
这是一种极限情况, 一般说来,并不致发生完全熄火.
In general, there is no distinction between'static electricity " and " current electricity ".
一般说来, “ 静电 ” 和 “ 电流的电 ” 是无差别的.
The dances were supposed to be string segregated.