
  • As I examined them, the youngest, one of the Cullens, looked up and met my gaze, this time with evident curiosity in his expression.

  • "I'm scared to, " Lisa confessed, and the blue of her eyes showed it, anxious and bright amid her fading freckles.

  • There was an air about her which showed plainer than any words that she was both weary and disappointed.

  • There was just a suggestion of a smile on her face.

  • He did not blink, but from time to time the lids closed down with delicate gravity over his pale green eyes.

  • he said, turning to the adjutant with an expression of respectful deference, that related obviously only to the person he was speaking of.

  • Martin shook his head, but he had failed to keep back the wolfish, hungry look that leapt into his eyes at the suggestion of dinner.

  • Such is the charm of Li, who showed nary a sign that she had the expectations of the world's most populous nation on her racket.

  • The woman never mentioned the tragic death of her child, but her eyes spoke of suffering.
