The sea glinted in the moonlight.
The moon was dimmed by clouds and the stars were darkened.
Though thousands of miles away, My heart was lost to the moon.
相去千万里, 心随月色归.
The tall white lilies were reeling in the moonlight.
The moon gleamed up on the lake.
The night was silver - grey and perfect, save for the scattered restless sound of voices.
夜空一片银灰,月色正浓, 四下不时传来各种嘈杂的话语声.
They saw by the light of the moon that part of the city lay in ruins.
Read a few articles in the, but also if the moonlight, sultry.
看了几篇红袖里的文章, 也如这月色, 撩人.
I like enjoying the moonlight beside a lotus pond.
The moon is very bright. Hansel and Gretel walk slowly.
月色皎洁, 汉瑟和葛丽特慢慢地走.
The bright moonlight shone on the lake , making the water sparkle.
月色粲然, 照得池塘微光粼粼.
We, who live indoors, have lost contact with the moon.
我们, 这些蜷缩于室内的人, 已经丢失了与月色的联系.
Now the cakes on water, with penetration of courier from the moonlight.
现将月饼放在水中, 用月色返照道理速递过来.
Heavy looting Dongpo moonlight - and City line to Savage line.
The heaped soil looked very dark in the moonlight.