
  • "It's also about stabilising economies, not just a question of creating new jobs, " he adds.

  • In his opinion, college grads need to hold on to their first job for at least a year.

  • He was told that it would be at least three more months before he could recover and return to work.

  • He said the unemployment rate remains "unacceptably high" and that faster growth is needed to replace jobs lost in the economic downturn.

  • For some reason, we seem to be able to get unemployment down with far lower rates of job creation than in the past.

  • Those fishermen are unconvinced that the gradual disappearance of oil on the surface means they will be able to return to work soon.

  • But as it turned out, I decided that opening my restaurant just wasn't for me. So I decided to stay at my old job instead.

  • H: of course. I spent so much time at my old workplace that I got to know them all very well. They were like family to me.

  • He said he would support reforms to let ability -- not politics -- decide who would get government jobs.
