
汉语拼音:shì diǎn



    • Nonetheless, multiple viewpoints are helpful for precisely aligning objects along a particular axis.

      不过, 多重视点对沿特定轴线精确对齐对象还是有帮助的.

    • Viewpoint synthesis is a key problem in computer vision field.


    • Our vision is,'how do we virtualize the entire data center?

      我们的视点是, ‘ 如何虚拟化整个数据中心? ’

    • First of all, you're probably wondering about the impostor s alpha channel.

      首先, 你可能对视点替用特效的阿尔法通道感到疑惑.

    • At this point, the overall lighting is sketched out.

      在这个视点, 整个光感都能勾勒出来.

    • Right - click that cell and select Add Watch.


    • Viewpoint: What is a weather forecast?

      视点: 天气预测是什么?

    • Combined with 3 D - fiducial vision - based registration , the discussed algorithm can successfully accomplish the registration of augment reality.


    • This constellation has the distinct shape of a W, or M, depending on your perspective.

      这个星座有着截然不同的形状, 根据视点的不同,你会看到“W“或“M”形状.

    • By contrast , historicism provides us with a new perspective based on a dialectical view of history.


    • Two linguists may study the same language from different vantage points , and independently of each other.

      两个语言学家可以从两种不同的视点研究相同的语言, 并且彼此独立.

    • This paper uses line features as the basic elements for 3 D reconstruction of real scenes.


    • The City of Metronome is a unique third person adventure game where sound is your weapon.


    • Multi - view stereo image composition is largely dependent on the type of multi - view stereo display device.


    • An impostor is essentially a sprite - a 2 D image that replaces a real 3 D model.

      视点替用特效本质就是精灵 ― 可替代实时3D模型的2D图像.