
汉语拼音:shè huì xué



  1. 从社会整体出发,通过社会关系和社会行为来研究社会的结构、功能、发生、发展规律的社会科学。社会学既要研究实际的问题,又要研究理论的问题。诸如人口、劳动、文化、道德、妇女、青年、儿童、老年、城市、农村、职业分工等等问题,都在社会学研究范围之内。

    梁启超 《再驳某报之土地国有论》:“十八世纪之思想家盛称自然法之存在。及近世社会学上歷史的研究大行,自然法之存在,久被否认。” 巴金 《灭亡》第十二章:“他虽然不能够像一般学者或著作家会从科学上、哲学上、社会学上得出结论来证实自己底理想,但他却坚决地相信那伟大的日子一定会来。”


    • sociological theories


    • After much torment, he succeeded at last.

      在经历了许多磨折之后, 他终于取得了成功!

    • Representing Creoleness. Perspectives from history, from orthography, from literature and from sociology.

      表现克理奥尔特质. 从历史 、 拼字法 、 文学和社会学的观点.

    • According to the report, dublin university En Fitzgerald of 4 grade student majors sociology and economics.

      据报道, 都柏林大学四年级学生沙恩·菲茨杰拉德主修社会学和经济学.

    • Game theory can be applied to economics, sociology, and military tactics.

      博奕论可适用于经济学 、 社会学和军事战略上.

    • Sociology is the most popular subject for undergraduate.


    • He's got two PhDs – one in linguistics and the other in sociology.


    • B : Yeah . It was Professor Smith that spoke highly of my potentials as a sociology student.

      是的, 就是史密斯教授说我学社会学很有潜力.

    • By definition other than sociology , which is indeed an object of its inquiries.

      将其定义有别于社会学, 而此定义事实上是一种社会学的研究对象.

    • Sociology is a popular subject.


    • Social contract theory was effectively dismissed for its lack of sociology.


    • Family formation and its social function are the concern of sociology, history, etc.

      摘要家族构成及其社会功能是社会学 、 历史学等多学科共同关注的课题.

    • He is studying sociology.


    • Marzuki Effendi , a sociology teacher here, said he and his brother rowed to school for years.

      这里的社会学教师 马祖基·伊芬迪 说,他和他的兄弟划船上学好多年.

    • The science of law has been mixed with elements of psychology, sociology, and political theory.

      法律科学一直是被毫无鉴别地同心理学 、 社会学 、 伦理学及政治理论等因素搅合在一起的.

    • Indeed, classical sociology debated with Kant as much as Marx.

      事实上, 古典社会学同康德的“论战”不亚于同马克思的“论战”.

    • Social network is an important branch in sociology study.


    • It is a tradition of western sociology to analyze for community section position.


    • He ever major red the history, politics and sociology, stepped political circles 1980.

      他曾主修历史 、 政治及社会学, 1980年踏入政界.

    • With the development of sociology, interaction between sociology and ethnology becomes more closely related.

      随着社会学研究的发展, 社会学与民族学的联系和互动越来越紧密,民族社会学也就应运而生.

    • There, he studied economics and sociology, played on the football team, and acted in school plays.

      在大学里, 他学习经济学和社会学, 参加校足球队比赛和校剧社的演出.

    • I have something important to tell about sociology , which will be contained in another article.

      社会学有些东西要说, 会有专门的文章.

    • Sociology of Educational Policy: A New Paradigm?

      教育政策社会学: 一种新范式?

    • Park's theories were of great significance for the development of Chinese sociology and anthropology.


    • In this research the methodologies of ethnography are tried in the study of communication sociology.


    • Social network is an important field in sociology.


    • To buy and sell this means psychology sociology humanities and aesthetics.


    • Daniel Bell is a contemporary representative personage of critical sociology and cultural conservatism in America.


    • The sociology is as other courses a research on an issue of basic rule.


    • The socialization of environmental technology is a kind of sociology research of technology.
