I should say she was a devilishly accomplished, clever girl, and would make a good wife with a sensible husband.
我得说,她是一个非常完美,非常聪明的女孩子,在精明的丈夫那里可以成为得力的贤内助。The Flowserve GR series, double-helical, herringbone type gear pumps have long been a workhorse of the general industry.
长期以来,福斯GR系列人字齿型齿轮泵已成为一般工业的得力助手。He may not be your heaviest hitter, but in times of great need, you know you can count on the experienced old man to deliver.
他可能并非你最得力的能手,但一旦有重大需求,你就会考虑让经验老手作为你的交付人。But I knew Dick would be a strong complement to me, and this has proven to be the case.
但是我知道,Dick将会是我的得力助手,事实证明确实如此。Yeah, well after the last case I told Zach never ever to put you through. He's a good assistant. You can let me out anywhere along here.
没错,上次的案子之后我就跟Zach说再也不要放你进来了。他是个得力助手。你可以把我在这里放下了。From the junior high school has always been a primary duties as squad leader, is the primary assistant teachers.
从小学起到初中始终担任班长的职务,是老师的得力助手。From now on Mr Obama will tap Mrs Clinton's financial donors, enlist some of her staff and reach out to her supporters.
从现在开始,奥巴马将会向希拉里的捐款人筹措资金,招募她手下的得力干将,争取她的支持者的支持。Upon reflection Nixon and I decided to appoint David K. E. Bruce, one of our ablest ambassadors and most distinguished public figures.
尼克松和我经过考虑,决定委派我国最得力的大使和最有声望的社会名流之一的戴维·布鲁斯。He paused to deliver his punch line: "But if you are prepared to give it a try, so are we. "