No-one knows where they stand with him; he is utterly unpredictable.
His actions since that morning have been eccentric and unpredictable.
It was vague , intangible , appealing only to some strange, nameless sixth sense.
这桩事是虚无缥缈 、 不可捉摸的, 只有通过什么不可思议, 难以名状的第六感觉才会领会.
It was vague, intangible, appeling only to some strange, nameless sixth sense.
这桩事是虚无漂缈 、 不可捉摸的,只有通过什么不可思议, 难以名状的第六感觉才会领会.
I liked Nina, too; she was so quaint and unexpected.
我也很喜欢尼娜; 她是那样离奇有趣,不可捉摸.
He had always been unpredictable.
She was imperturbable, inscrutable, impenetrable.
她是不可动摇的, 不可理解的, 不可捉摸的.
The older men, as a rule, were inscrutable.
The sweet meaty taste, thin and elusive almost as a memory, maddened him.
甜蜜蜜的肉味, 跟回忆一样隐隐约约,不可捉摸, 却引得他要发疯.
As language, these passive statements are weak; as statements, they are evasive and vague.
作为语言, 这些被动句是软弱无力的; 作为说明, 它们又是含糊不可捉摸的.
Love is closer anyway and warmer than adoration of some vast unknowable cloud.
Nixon with his mastery of intangibles knew how to strike the right note.
Over at Deloitte are rather more intangible.
The monster again became an islet, rock, or reef , but a runaway reef , unfixed and elusive.
这个怪物变成了小岛 、 岩石 、 暗礁, 但它是会奔驰的、不可捉摸的、行动莫测的暗礁.