Coreline Hader plays along all on her own like a perfect idiot.
Boarded Se Hanta , Trinidad dam, boundless expanse of woodlands panoramic view.
登上塞罕塔, 千里坝上, 万顷林海尽收眼底.
Yellow River about 6700 hectares of greentan an Lin, unique natural scenery.
黄河滩岸有约6700公顷绿色林海, 自然风光独具特色.
Vast Lin is also a paradise for wild animals.
The vast cypresses of rolling green waves surround the numerous peaks.
Winter Solstice, Trinidad ice, Yushu Qionghua , wuregan, good faction Northland scenery!
冬至, 千里冰封, 玉树琼花, 林海雪原, 好一派北国风光!
In dense forests on the anling Mountains are forests resorts and natural hunting grounds.
Rodney Frelinghuysen , from New Jersey, is the sixth generation of his family to serve in Congress.
Luxuriant Lin endless, and ancient trees, cypress green, alpine azalea Nanling bamboo, plants that, very enjoyable.
莽莽林海一望无际, 古木参天, 松柏苍翠, 高山杜鹃南岭箭竹, 奇花异草, 令人赏心悦目.
Peking University Hill area several hundred square kilometers, is full of vast woodlands.
北大山面积数百平方公里, 到处是茫茫林海.
Cross the mountains in the vast Lin, a shade of seat by the magnificent snow - capped mountains.
在横断山脉的茫茫林海中, 掩映着一座座气势磅礴的雪山.