
汉语拼音:xuě huā



  1. 亦作“ 雪华 ”。空中飘下的雪,形状像花,故名。

    《太平御览》卷十二引《韩诗外传》曰:“凡草木花多五出,雪花独六出,雪花曰霙。” 唐 许浑 《正元》诗:“宫殿雪华齐紫阁, 关 河 春色到青门。” 元 杨文奎 《儿女团圆》第一折:“凛冽风吹,雪花飘坠,弥天地,不辨高低。” 鲁迅 《野草·雪》:“朔方的雪花在纷飞之后,却永远如粉、如沙。”

  2. 用雪雕塑成的花状物。

    宋 周密 《武林旧事·赏雪》:“禁中赏雪,多御 明远楼 。后苑……且作雪花、雪灯、雪山之类。”

  3. 某些白色物的代称。(1)白色的花。

    唐 高正臣 《晦日置酒林亭》诗:“柳翠含烟叶,梅芳带雪花。” 唐 白居易 《题州北路旁老柳树》诗:“雪花零碎逐年减,烟叶稀疏随分新。” 唐 温庭筠 《杏花》诗:“红花初绽雪花繁,重叠高低满小园。”(2)白色的鸟。 宋 司马光 《鹭鸶》诗:“遥望孤飞下秋水,雪花一片落晴天。”(3)水花。 宋 范成大 《初泛潇湘》诗:“六浆齐飞急下滩,碧琉璃上雪花翻。” 宋 方岳 《观鱼》诗:“ 湘 竿击水雪花飞,鸕鷀没入春溪肥。”(4)米。 宋 范成大 《田家留客行》:“木臼新舂雪花白,急炊香饭来看客。”

  4. 名茶名。泡后,茶水表面有一层白色泡沫,故称。

    宋 徐铉 《和门下殷侍郎新茶二十韵》:“才教鹰觜拆,未放雪花妍。” 宋 苏轼 《和钱安道寄惠建茶》:“雪花雨脚何足道,啜过始知真味永。” 王十朋 集注引 林敏功 曰:“雪花、雨脚,谓茶也。” 宋 俞德邻 《荽茗赋》:“俾泛雪华於兔毫,亦媵 西施 以 嫫母 。”

  5. 指白银。


  6. 一种白面和油包沙糖的点心。



  • The wind sweeps snow into the scars of our harvest-time haste, smoothing the brow of hill, hiding furrows and trash in the yard.


  • They did not expect to see snow falling right after enduring high temperatures.


  • By jury-rigging a microscope with a bellows camera, Bentley was able to capture for the first time the exquisite delicacy of a snowflake.


  • a heavy snow was falling - a fine picking , whipping snow , borne forward by a swift wind in long , thin lines.


  • And any one could see that he shook with fear, and that there broke out upon his lips, curious white flakes, like thin snow.


  • Snowflakes One day in winter holidays, it was cloudy. After a while, white snowflakes began to fall quietly.


  • He gave the harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound's the sweep Of easy wind and dowry flake.


  • Can think of can be thought inconsistent with the age of children to have a few snowflakes flying in the sentiment of life.


  • Winter is a cold and beautiful season. There are many snowflakes dance in the sky in winter, everything is all white. It's so beautiful!
