Dad told me I could drive him into a distant village called Mijas, on condition that I took the car in to be serviced at a nearby garage.
父亲告诉我说我可以开车拉他去远方一个叫麦亚斯的小村子去,条件是我把车开进附近的一个汽车修理厂(去接受服务)。Scientists trying to explain the universe's accelerating expansion usually point to dark energy, which seems to be pushing everything apart.
科学家习惯利用暗物质理论来解释宇宙加速膨胀的问题,他们认为暗物质会将一切物质推向远方。I admired him with support. One should wander in a distant place in youth.
我羡慕他,也支持他,年轻时就应该去远方漂泊。The old man rested for a moment and then labored along against the wind.
老人休息了一会儿,又迎着风艰难地向远方走去。The depths of the body exudes a fragrance, blending with your family member's concerns, in the air filled the air, like a perfume rain.
身体深处散发出一种香味,融合着远方家人的关切,在空中弥漫,仿佛是香水雨。Death will be easy to me, for you will not feel it from after.
只有当你身在远方,感觉不到我的离开时,我才能死得轻松。He straightened his back and made as if to throw something in a gentle arc far into the distance.
他伸直腰,好像要沿着一条长长的弧线,把什么东西抛向远方;And I walk to my own grave And I watch the sun go down I walk to my own grave And I watch the sun go down.
我步向自己的坟茔,我望向远方的落日。——步向自己苍幽的坟冢,——拥抱远方撕裂的残阳。Total want to ask whether you safe, always want to hear that QingJie steps is still, wish you happy forever!