
汉语拼音:xiāng cài



  1. 藿菜。

    明 冯应京 《月令广义·三月·授时》:“香菜,藿也,有数种,宜肥地种之。此与荆芥同气味而异。 浙 地甚多,中州亦蕃。又有香草似之。此乃藿菜,非是藿香。”

  2. 芫荽的通称。


    • The pickled vegetable of bottled coriander heart is convenient and high quality.


    • Sprinkle with parsley, sesame, can also add hot peppers.

      撒上香菜 、 芝麻 、 也可加入辣椒.

    • Mix everything except cilantro, marinate for at least half an hour.

      所有原料,除却香菜,都混在一起, 腌半小时以上.

    • Ingredients: crispy hot pepper, vegan material, green and red peppers, parsley.

      主料: 黄飞鸿脆椒 、 素食半成品 、 青红椒 、 香菜.

    • Cabbages, caraways, radishes , all emerged stealthily , afraid of lagging behind.

      先是小白菜 、 香菜、水萝卜, 争相悄然而出.

    • Nine - year - old Caraway is an indispensable help for the family, Yunnan, 1995.

      9 岁 的黄香菜.在家中她要做饭带弟弟, 是不可或缺的劳力.云南, 1995.

    • Condiments: Salt, gourmet powder, rice wine, corianders , scallions, gingers and sesame oil.

      调料: 盐 、 味精 、 料酒 、 香菜 、 葱 、 姜、香油.

    • Oils of Black Pepper, Coriander, Onion, Hot Pepper, Cardamom, Garlic, Ginger.

      采购产品油黑胡椒, 香菜, 洋葱, 辣椒, 豆蔻, 大蒜, 生姜.

    • But, easy to contract cold's person, actually should avoid the edible coriander.

      但是, 容易患感冒的人, 却应该避免食用香菜.

    • Add cilantro and sesame oil . Ready to serve.


    • Tornado - Steel wool, cotton, ground parsley and moss.

      龙卷风 - 钢羊毛, 棉花, 地面香菜和青苔.

    • To make meat slices tasty and delicious, do not sprinkle egg cream but put parsley instead.

      为使肉片香嫩可口, 在炙烤时要不时洒上鸡蛋液,熟后再撒上香菜段.

    • Medium the fire goes to open again the pot, add a pot of few parsley.

      中火至再开锅, 加少许香菜出锅即可.

    • Topped with roasted corn & black bean salsa , cilantro and lime cream sauce.

      配上香菜、柠奶油酱和秘制烤玉米 黑豆 番茄粒色拉.

    • Add parsley and cooked gently for a minute to two for the flavours to blend.
