Smooth the mixture with the back of a soup spoon.
Mash the bananas with a tablespoon, adding vanilla extract and salt.
香蕉用汤勺捣成泥, 加入香草精和盐拌均匀.
How many spoons will be required at the party?
Heat 2 tablespoons oil in medium skillet over medium - high heat.
For the recipe you need 4 tablespoons of coral, preferably uncooked.
食谱里需要四汤勺龙虾卵, 最好是生的.
Heat 2 tablespoons oil in medium nonstick ovenproof skillet over mediumheat.
Do you need chopsticks? spoon? forks?
需要筷子 么? 汤勺,叉子 么 ?
Sprinkle with remaining 2 tablespoons cheese.
His soup spoon dropped onto the ground.
And the dish ran away with the spoon.
The awesome thing about spooning is that women feel like you're being incredibly affectionate.
He looks relaxed as he sits on the sofa, spooning warm noodles into his mouth.
他在沙发上坐着,很放松, 用汤勺吃着热乎乎的面条.
As you wander around, carry this spoon with you without allowing the oil to spill.
在你到处走动的时候, 带着着这汤勺,但别把油滴给洒了.
Place 2 tablespoons matzo meal in pan and shake to coat ; tap out excess.
把2 汤勺 的玛索粉倒入锅中并摇动,使玛索粉覆盖整个盘,再将多余的玛索粉拍掉.
Spoon out the egg yolk. Put it into a big bowl and mash it.
用汤勺把蛋黄舀出来, 放到大碗里将其捣碎.