If you and I learn how to manage the business and the lands right here, John, we'll make a fortune that will stagger the ship owners.
我要是摸透了在这里做生意和经营土地的门道,约翰,我们发的财能叫当船主的吓一跳。But, if you are one of those looking to improve their eyesight in this way, at least you can now do so with a decidedly clearer view!
但是如果你是指望用这种方式来改善视力的人之一,至少你现在有了更清楚更确切的看法:懂得看门道了!It had been forced through the gallery's arched doorways on a track so many times that it was now the exact shape of the arches.
它已经被迫坐着滑轨在画廊的拱形门道里穿来穿去好多次,结果现在它都给弄的和拱门一个形儿了。As you walk through a door, look to see if you can hold it open for someone else.
当你穿走门道时,看看你能否为他人扶门。Gate toward the east, sit on the top, with a tall among the doorways and abutted city gate opposite is brick 100 longevity figure screens.
大门坐西朝东,上有高大的顶楼,中间城门洞式的门道,大门对面是砖雕百寿图照壁。handling them. How interesting it is to be able to keep my flowers and plants alive and watch them thrive and bloom year in year out!
这是个乐趣,摸住门道,花草养活了,而且三年五载老活着、开花,多么有意思呀!Drawn to this scene because of the light and shadows, the photographer was prepared to shoot when he saw the woman approach the doorway.
这个疲惫之景由光影造就,摄影者在看到那位女士走到门道时便准备拍照。But she has been learning the ropes for years, and was the brain behind the new strategy of IBM's giant software and services arm.
但她早已经摸到门道很多年了,并且她还是IBM的大型软件和服务部门的新战略背后的主管。Moving gold hidden offshore behind a duck blind of shell companies to Caracas is even easier, when you know how.