Romola's heart swelled again, so that she was forced to break off.
罗摩拉的心又强烈激动起来, 以致不得不突然停住不说了.
He cared supremely for Romola.
Romola's love would never come in that way.
Mara urged the former course, but the Buddha chose the latter, on the advice of Brahma.
摩拉力劝他选择前一条路, 但是佛祖听从了众生之本梵天的劝告,选择了后者.
He said, " Romola, has this young man the same complexion as thy brother -- fair and pale? "
他说: “ 罗摩拉, 这位年轻人的脸色是不是跟你的哥哥一样 ― ―漂亮而苍白? ”
He had an intimate sense that Romola was something very much above him.
Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by an atomic bomb.
Se l'Eterno degli eserciti non residue , saremmo come Sodoma, somiglieremmo a Gomorra.
若不是万军之耶和华给我们留下一些生还者, 我们早已像所多玛 、 蛾摩拉一样了.
Brimstone they called it raining down : the cities of the plain : Sodom, Gomorrah, Edom.
降下来的是他们所谓的硫磺.平原上的这些城市,所多玛 、 蛾摩拉 、 埃多姆.
Then the LORD rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah - from the LORD outthe heavens.
And then the Lord rained down fire and brimstone from the skies on Sodom and Gomorrah.
What would have been Israel's response to being compared to Sodom and Gomorrah?