汉语拼音:dāng jī lì duàn
汉陈琳《 答东阿王笺》:“秉青萍、干将之器,拂钟无声,应机立断。” 形容剑的锋利。后以“当机立断”比喻 把握时机,毫不犹豫地作出决定。
- 【解释】:当机:抓住时机。在紧要时刻立即做出决断。
- 【出自】:汉·陈琳《答东阿王笺》:“秉青萍干将之器,拂钟无声,应机立断。”
- 【示例】:哥哥,国姓爷就在城下,你应该~。
◎郭沫若《郑成功》第七章 - 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含褒义,形容人很果断
The baby was crying so much that she decided not to take him onto the overcrowded train, so she left him in the care of his grandmother.
儿子哭得那么厉害,她当机立断不把他带上拥挤不堪的火车,而留下他让奶奶照顾。Aware that she was unable to defeat Peng Meng, Chang E made a prompt decision at that critical moment.
嫦娥知道,她是无法击败孟鹏,当机立断,在那个紧要关头。He took a rapid decision to appeal for England aid.
他当机立断,马上向英格兰求援。Be able to give up, it has a decisive and bold courage of the whole situation into account.
能够放弃,就已经拥有了当机立断的果敢以及顾全大局的胆识。Tells us that this matter has to be decisive, courageous and prudent!
这件事告诉我们做事要当机立断,有勇有谋!He wanted a quick decision so I decided to strike while the iron was hot and told him I accepted his terms.
他希望当机立断,因此我决定趁热打铁,对他说我接受他的条件。During this sim, while you are trying to survive, you'll only have a second to decide.
在这场模拟演习中,在你们努力存活的同时,你们只能当机立断。It took swift decisions and went hostile early in the process, although the deal was subsequently recommended.
中钢能够当机立断,并在初期中西部公司展开敌意竞购,其后却获得了中西部公司董事会的推荐。He never lets an opportunity slip; he's always on the mark.