
汉语拼音:xiǎo kě




  1. 犹稍好,尚可。

    晋 王羲之 《与人书》:“顷犹小差,欲极游目之娱,而吏卒守之,可叹耳。 东阳 花果似小可,何日得卿诸人。”

  2. 犹小小。引申而为细小、低微、寻常、轻易等意。

    宋 范仲淹 《让观察使第一表》:“今贼界沿边小可首领,并伪署观察使之名。”《西游记》第二六回:“就是游遍海角天涯,转透三十六天,亦是小可。” 周立波 《民兵》:“别的都犹是小可,只怕婚姻上会发生一点子阻碍。”

  3. 疾病稍愈。

    晋 王羲之 《与人书》:“吾小可,当自力 芜湖 迎汝。”《醒世恒言·勘皮靴单证二郎神》:“氏儿不幸,惹下一天愁署绪,卧病两月,才得小可。”

  4. 自称谦词。

    元 杨显之 《潇湘雨》第四折:“小可是 临江驛 的驛丞。”《水浒传》第四一回:“小可不才,自幼学吏。”《孽海花》第九回:“只好待小可探探口气,明日再行奉覆罢。” 梁斌 《播火记》第一卷十二:“小可年幼,还没拜见过老前辈们。”


    • Young as I am, I know some of the family secret.

      尽管我年龄小, 可我知道一些家庭秘密.

    • A little wind kindle, much put out the fire.

      风小可点火, 风大反灭火.

    • The egg seems too big, but it does come out.

      鸡蛋个儿可不小, 可还是下出来了.

    • Intake air temperature sensor input above the minimum acceptable voltage.


    • Wigan are Liechtenstein. Small, but perfectly formed and pleasing on the eye.

      维冈是列支敦士登, 小是小, 可构造完美赏心悦目.

    • For photoflash, lug type, miniaturized, low leakage current reduces battery consumption.

      闪光灯用焊片式缩体产品, 漏电流小, 可减少电池消耗.

    • Though he is young, he is a driver of five years'standing.


    • Low sprang force May avoid the milling cutter or the bit break.


    • I have little talent and learning, please enlighten me with your instructions.

      小可才疏学浅, 还请老夫子多多赐教.

    • MAP sensor input below minimum acceptable voltage.


    • As to me, I was younger then than now -- there is much in that.

      而那时的我, 年纪非常小,可就在这年轻之中又 蕴藏 了很多东西.

    • The superiority is very small, but they are flushing at least also ultra fence - off the row.

      优势很小, 可他们至少还在冲超附加赛之列.

    • Its high melting enthalpy results in bigger crystal size lower super - cooling and poor spinnability.


    • Fineness good ink, its concentration, will enable printing locations clear and as fresh as ever.

      细度好的油不朱, 其浓度不小, 可使印品的网不背澄辉、颓丧.

    • Multi - Channel interleaving makes it possible to use small inductance to improve transient response of the VRM.

      多通道 交错并联拓扑的电感小,可改进VRM的瞬态响应.