
汉语拼音:mén jìn



  1. 门口的戒备防范。

    北魏 郦道元 《水经注·穀水》:“ 曹子建 尝行御街,犯门禁,以此见薄。” 宋 吴自牧 《梦粱录·大内》:“门禁严甚,守把鈐束,人无敢輒入仰视。” 明 叶盛 《水东日记·记杀马顺等事》:“殊不知因大驾出后,门禁颇严。”


    • At present all what times ~ still have entrance guard!


    • Plant public address , Access door controller, and other miscellaneous electrical equipment maintenance.

      工厂广播系统, 门禁系统和其他零星电气设备的维护保养.

    • Security products or related, knowledge in Door - entry system will be advantage.

      熟悉安防或其它相关产品, 有门禁系统领域之专业知识者优先考虑.

    • Access control , car parks, AFC , One Card solution, payment system etc.

      门禁, 停车场, AFC, 一卡通, 支付系统.

    • Suitable to be applied to door locks, safe box, etc.

      可应用于门禁锁具, 指纹保管箱等多种场合.

    • Is there documented procedure about maintaining and testing card access system?


    • Vehicle parking - access control management.


    • At the same time the network access introduced as a special member access system.


    • Device setup can be adjusted for access control and Attendance and Cafe management without additional equipments.


    • Security and safeguard, control system , Fire fighting management , special equipment management and traffic management in factory.

      治安保卫 、 门禁 、 消防 、 特种设备管理、厂内交通管理.

    • Domestic trade and the import and export business and so on, adopt the multiplex management system.

      防盗、考勤、门禁设备;国内贸易;进出口业务等, 采用多元化经营.

    • Issues Dapeng key and name card for new employee, as well as employee's card if needed.

      为新报到员工制作并签发门禁卡,更换名牌, 如有需要并签发工作证.

    • Package content: Fingerprint security access system . mounting adapter ring. CD with demo software . operating instructions.

      包装内容: 指纹安全门禁系统,安装转接环. 带演示软件的的cd,操作说明.

    • We are interested to buy small orders of Fingerprint Time Attendance System & access control system.

      我们需要购买指纹识别系统 及 门禁系统. 请有意者联系.