Farmers stand in the spring rain and smile because spring rain is as dear as oil. They seem to see the harvest in autumn.
农民们站在春雨中微笑,因为春雨贵如油,他们仿佛看到了秋天的丰收。The spring rain fell across the next 24 hours, Xixilili, as if to tell what, I have to live in the southern city of feeling.
连绵的春雨下了24小时之久,淅淅沥沥,仿佛在诉说着什么,让我有了生活在南方城市的感觉。Her limbs rejoiced to be outdoors again, out of her tiny cabin whose log walls had grown furry and overbearing during the long spring rains.
她的四肢为能再次到室外而充满喜悦,因为能远离她那原木小木屋的四壁,它们在漫长的春雨中,长满青苔,横行霸道。Several spring after the walk to go there often to see many fresh Chunsun, head out in droves to, how lovely you!
几场春雨过后,到那里去走一走,常常会看见许多鲜嫩的春笋,成群结队地探出头来,多么可爱呀!Though rain does not always fall when it is most hoped for, war always comes, whether one wants it or not.
春雨不一定顺着人民的盼望而降落,可是战争不管有没有人盼望总会来到。look like the distance from the window in the Castle Peak, the mountain of trees moisture in the spring it is all the more green the next.
喜欢从窗中眺望远处的青山,山上的树木在春雨沥沥的滋润下显得越发青翠。To me, a man should not be a lonely musician a product of warm hills and soft streams.
我心目中的男子汉,不应当是一个杏花春雨,温山软水浸泡出来的寂寞歌手。It had been raining-the first real spring rain of theyearhadfallen-a spangle hung on everything, and their smelled of buds and moist earth.
雨下个不停(这年第一场真正的春雨已经下过了),万物晶莹闪亮,空气中弥散着花苞叶芽和潮湿泥土的气息。Active happiness-not more satisfaction or contentment-often comes suddenly, like an April shower or the unfolding of a bud.