汉语拼音:àn rán shī sè
- 【解释】:黯然:心里不舒服、情绪低落的样子;失色:因惊恐而变以脸色。本指心怀不好,脸色难看。后多比喻相形之下很有差距,远远不如。
- 【出自】:南朝·梁·江淹《别赋》:“黯然销魂者,惟别而已矣。”李善注:“黯然,失色貌”
- 【示例】:所有同类题材的绘画和它比较起来,都~。
- 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、宾语;用于两者比较,差的更差
The children are like two beacons of light flashing through their day, which would otherwise fade within the fog of yesterday and tomorrow.
孩子们就象是在她们这一天闪过的两道光,要不是这光,这一天就会因为昨天和明天的迷雾而黯然失色。If one day we meet again, all will be cast into the shade brain repeatedly intertwined you just give it a little happiness.
如果有一天我们再次遇见,所有的都会黯然失色脑中反复交织的只是你给的那一点幸福。In war the event is all, and Germany lost the war. This has obscured her victories in the field.
在战争中,胜败就是一切,而德国战败了。战败使它在战场上的历次胜利黯然失色。The top of the mountain was covered with a dark cloud, which took shine off the front view of the mountain.
一片乌云遮住山顶,使山前的景物黯然失色。Mr Lewis's abrupt retirement overshadowed a bold management overhaul decreed just a day earlier by Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan chief executive.
刘易斯突然宣布的退休,令摩根大通首席执行官杰米-戴蒙(JamieDimon)仅一天前做出的、大胆改组管理层的决定黯然失色。Their natural beauty had been hijacked by an extraordinary concentration of ankle-deep plastic and paper garbage on the ground.
然而令人扫兴的是,大自然的鬼斧神工却在齐踝深的塑料垃圾和废纸中黯然失色。We all know people who are very bright but who do not always shine when it comes to being logical.
我们都认识这样人:平常大放光彩,可一遇到要讲逻辑便黯然失色。She was so beautiful for him that eclipsed any beauty or thing important around, but there was no hope for him.
在他看来,她是那么美丽,周围所有佳丽或重要的事情都黯然失色,可他并没有什么希望。'The beauty and clearness of the dynamical theory, which asserts heat and light to be modes of motion, is at present obscured by two clouds.