
    • "I can't wait to be grown up."— 'All in good time.'


    • Don't worry, she'll be on time.


    • Don't hurry, I can wait your leisure.

      别急, 我可以等你有闲空时再说.

    • Keep your shirt on. I'll give you a hand.

      别急, 我会助你一臂之力的.

    • Don't rush away / off -- I haven't finished.

      别急着要走 -- 我还没完呢.

    • Don't hurry. You cannot cut corners if you want to do a perfect job.

      别急! 如果你想干得出色,就不能只图简便.

    • Don't get hot and bothered -- I'll be able to start the car in a moment.

      别急 -- 我马上就可以把车发动.

    • Easy, man , easy , we shall burn the witch and beat the bastard all in good time.

      别急,朋友,别急, 时候一到, 我们就会把那个女巫烧死, 把那个私生子打败的.

    • There's no hurry. Take your time. I'm not using it now.

      别急, 慢慢查, 我现在不用.

    • Look, just give me a chance to explain, please! You'll see it wasn't really my fault.

      你别急, 听我解释一下嘛! 你会知道,这并不是我的过错.

    • Will you two please hurry it up? - Oh, chill out. Chill out.

      你们俩能快一点 吗 ? -- 哦, 别急, 别急.

    • Doctor: Don't worry after you see the bill, you will all these.

      大夫说: 别急,你看这账单就行了, 绝对能满足你的要求.

    • Calm down . I'll tell you how the whole thing started.


    • Booking clerk: She always says: Fasten urgent, want to up!

      售票员: 她总是说: 别急, 要排队喔!

    • Don't worry – slowly does it and you'll find your way.
