Taking individual gadgets, the energy losses might seem small, but scaling up to a truly wireless home would be a much bigger deal.
使用个人小型设备,能量损失可能看上去很低,而一旦扩充到整个家庭皆无线,那将是桩更大的生意。But the effect of it would be to leave wireless services free at least for the moment to discriminate between different sorts of data.
而该提议的效应至少在当前能使无线数据在各种不同数据中免受歧视区别对待。However, the terminology is often used to calculate decibels and measure signals on copper, optical, and wireless media.
然而,此术语经常用来计算分贝和测量铜质、光学及无线媒体上的讯号。wi-fi - if you've got wi-fi at home, give it a good password. Otherwise it allows intruders in with few barriers to overcome.
无线网——如果家里的电脑使用的是无线网,最好设置一个可靠的密码,否则,黑客不费吹灰之力就能进入你的电脑。He said he now believes Mr. Hasan has since been tapping into his wireless service.
他说现在他坚信哈桑从那以后一直在利用他的无线网。It could be the critical bit of infrastructure between wireless communications in the body and the global internet.
他将成为人体与全球网络无线交流基础至关重要的纽带。Back to the subject at hand, the CLEF system consists of a flexible LCD touch screen with a built-in stand and a wireless foot pedal.
呵呵,让我们回到今天的话题:这套声部记号设备。该套设备包括一个手感舒适的液晶触摸屏、一个内置的支架,还有一只无线的脚控踏板。A new father: My wife gave birth in a state-of-the-art delivery room. It was so high tech that the baby came out cordless.
新爸爸:我老婆生孩子的产房特高级,设备都是无线的,所以我儿子生出来的时候连脐带都么有。Wireless data connections, in particular, seem to be getting better all the time.