The fog was beginning to part, and a mile and a half away the enemy's troops could be indistinctly seen on the opposite heights.
雾霭开始渐渐地散开,莫约在两俄里以外的地方,可以看见对面高地上的敌军。When your thoughts, down the pen tip, drift in the champaign like refreshing rivulet, your soul seems to gallop in the wind, unfettered.
当你的思想,沿着笔尖如清凉的溪水在原野散开,灵魂仿佛御风而行,无所羁绊。We were standing in line, waiting to be served, when all of a sudden everyone around us began to back away, and then even my husband did.
我们排在等待点餐的队伍里,等待点餐。突然,我们周围的所有人都开始向后退散开来,包括我的丈夫。The characteristic property of a soliton is that it does not change its shape as it travels (usually a pulse tends to gradually spread out).
孤立子的特性是在行进时形状不会改变(一般的脉冲会逐渐散开)。It was only when the ash from the disintegrating moon rained down on their faces and breasts that they began to disperse.
当灰尘从即将碎裂的月亮上面落下来拂过她们的脸庞和乳房的时候,她们才开始散开。They arrived in the late afternoon and fanned out for a while, admiring the flowering trees, breathing in the fragrant air.
学员们下午很晚才到来,他们散开一小会儿,欣赏满树的花朵,呼吸芬芳的空气。Once the young dream, now along the direction of the wind, the earth gradually spread.
曾经年少的梦,此时已经沿着风的方向,在尘世间渐渐散开。As the coffee is stirred, the drop distorts into a filament and finally disperses all over the cup, losing its identity.
当搅拌咖啡时,这滴乳酪变成细丝,并最后在整个杯子中完全散开,损失它的本体。No flying fish broke the surface and there was no scattering of bait fish.