A decade ago, the U. S. -educated Thai businesswoman was a rising executive at GE Capital Financial Services in London.
10年前,这位在美国接受教育的泰国女子还是伦敦通用电气金融服务公司(GECapitalFinancialServices)里一位前途无量的主管。Should you need any further information about this promising young man, be sure you contact me without hesitation.
关于这个前途无量的年轻人,如果阁下需要任何进一步的信息,请毫不犹豫地和我联系。Despite promising skills, Solo was drummed out of the service when he defied orders and rescued a Wookiee slave, Chewbacca.
尽管技艺高超,前途无量,汉因为违抗命令,解救伍基奴隶丘巴卡,被军队除名。You could be a millionaire. The sky's the limit.
你有可能成为百万富翁,前途无量。Well, I acquiesced in the bottom of my heart, I wish you future is unbounded.
那么我在心底默许,祝你前途无量。Prosper and DebtX look promising, but it is too soon to say they are better than all those other financial innovations.
Prosper和DebtX看上去前途无量,但是现在就说它们好于其他的金融创新,仍然为时过早。But now that the glass ceiling has been broken in the high-tech industry, the sky may be the limit for female executives.
但是在高技术产业里,既然阻挠女性晋升的“职场限制”已经被打破,那些女性主管可以说是前途无量。One promising approach, still in its infancy, is called topic mapping.
一个尚处于幼年期的叫作主题图的方法前途无量。The Chancellor was now Emperor Palpatine, and the once-promising Jedi warrior Anakin Skywalker was his new apprentice, Darth Vader.