When offering helpful advice , it's good idea to make it a small helping .
当给别人有益的建议时,重话轻说是个好主意。From the psychology of speaking, for a variety of reasons the efforts of the children praised him is a good idea.
从心理学上讲,因为种种原因孩子的努力而表扬他是个好主意。If I correctly understood what she was getting at, it seems to be a good idea.
如果我没有弄错它的意思的话,那是个好主意。It is very easy for employees to think of good ideas, but it is often difficult to have someone take responsibility for those ideas.
雇员想出好主意并不难,但让某人为那些主意承担责任通常是不易之事。Don't you think it would be a good idea to park the car near the shopping complex?
你不认为把车停在购物中心附近是个好主意吗?JOHN Yes. That's a good idea. Thanks. It's hard to do all that all the time though, especially when there's so much reading to do.
对,这是一个好主意。谢谢。虽然一直全部去做很难,尤其是有很多要去读。Six months before my birthday, I asked him to plan a party for me. He said he thought it was a great idea and would take care of it.
在我生日半年之前,我就跟他说为我策划一个生日聚会。他说想到了个好主意并且会记着的。Karma does not make it a good idea, however.
但是,因果报应并不意味着这是一个好主意。And I'm also not sure that getting her to earn pocket money with a chum of yours is a great idea either.