I felt a bit sad, you know, because of what happened; but you know, I 'm glad, I'm glad they've opened it up again . Life goes on.
因为发生了这样的悲剧。但同时我也很高兴看到这条线重新开放了,一切又照旧如常。The Party, at least in the form of its MPs, have clearly expressed that business as usual a la Dr. Brown cannot continue.
他所属的政党,至少在议员层次,已明确表示,Dr.Brown不能继续一切照旧下去。Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. . . Each day on her own went perfectly, and Susan had never felt better. She was doing it!
星期一、星期二、星期三、星期四……,每天都完全靠自己,苏珊也从来没有觉得更好,但照旧这么做着!The true intention of making Bao-Jia involved in the autonomy, was to consolidate country power. In fact, the autonomy was just a fig leaf .
“寓保甲于自治之中”的真正意图照旧是为了强化国家的权力,自治只不过是它的一块遮丑布而已。Cosette applied herself to her work once more, but for a quarter of an hour she felt her heart leaping in her bosom like a big snow-flake.
珂赛特照旧干她的活,可是在那一刻钟里,她觉得她的心就象一个皮球,在胸腔里直跳。I fitted myself up for a battle, as before; though with more caution, knowing I had to do with another kind of enemy than I had at first.
我照旧进行着作战的准备;可是比过去更加小心,因为我知道所要应付的是一种和从前不同的敌人。Even how we were on the rock he said nothing, nor so much as relaxed the frowning look upon his face.
甚至登上了这块岩头,他照旧闭紧了嘴,连愁眉不展的脸色也没有消除。It's true that scientists don't know exactly how much world temperatures will rise if we persist with business as usual.
的确,科学家并不能准确地得知,如果我们一切照旧行事,世界的气温将会上升多少。One day, when they had run out of money as usual, they came up with a scheme to rob the richest man in Benares.