
    • Perfect Coupling System provides easy clutch fitting and noise reduction during operation.


    • Most mechanical transmissions function as rotary speed changers.


    • The cycloid - shaped gears are used widely in mini - gearing, which reduces gearing and increases its transmission ratio.


    • Clutch housing: Is suitable in middle - grade , the upscale passenger vehicle's horizontal type manual transmission gearbox.

      离合器壳体-传动器: 适用于中 、 高档轿车的横置式手动变速器.

    • Transmission gearbox: Is suitable in middle - grade , the upscale passenger vehicle's horizontal type manual transmission gearbox.

      变速器壳体-传动器: 适用于中 、 高档轿车的横置式手动变速器.

    • You gotta loosen up, bro. You keep searching like that and your transmission will wear out!

      放松点, 老兄. 再这样搜寻下去的话,你的传动器可吃不消!

    • The compution formulation of the vortex loss is educed by theorydeduction and experiment examination.
