He could not have run farther even if he had been the arch- demon's quarry: he was exhausted, limping, and hungry beyond belief.
即使后面的魔鬼仍在追着他,他也跑不动了:他已经疲惫不堪,四肢无力,而且非常非常饥饿。Limply , left secret anguish issuing an abdomen, inappetence, the hair faints, it what drug take is good to what drug take?
四肢无力,左下腹隐痛,食欲不振,头发昏,吃什么药好?The end of the last journey saw me upon a chair , aching.
最后一段的行程,我坐在椅子上,四肢无力。Sick and do not spit out, body weakness, do not want to move, feeling the body was emptied.
想吐又吐不出来,四肢无力,不想动,感觉身体被掏空了。The whole body is calorific, ache, limply , slight cough, catch a cold, it what drug take is good to what drug take?
全身发热,酸痛,四肢无力,轻微咳嗽,是不是感冒,吃什么药好?。the signatures were perfectly legal . albert tottered and fell overpowered in a chair.
阿尔贝脚步踉跄,四肢无力地跌落在一张椅子里。One day follows computer one case, giddy now, limply. Say to be concerned with computer radiate really?
一天就跟电脑一起,现在头晕,四肢无力。难道说真的跟电脑辐射有关吗?。I feel wobbly and rough these few days.
这几天我总感到四肢无力。Why to have a fever can accompany have a headache, sore throat? Although good, still have a headache, sore throat, limply ?