
    • We keep a little multicolored kitten in the house.


    • This big colorful cat ate the little mouse in just one gulp.


    • A wise tabby, a blinking sphinx, watched from her warm sill.

      一只明察秋毫的母花猫,伊然是座眨巴着眼睛的斯芬克斯, 呆在暖洋洋的窗台上朝这边望着.

    • A beauty cat and an ugly duck were walking along the stream.


    • Little mimi has a beautiful mother and an elegant grandmother, look, how happy they are!

      小花猫有个漂亮的妈妈和大眼睛的姥姥, 看, 他们玩的多快乐!

    • Today, it is sunny . Flowers are smiling are singing . Mother cat and are going to fishing.

      在欢快的音乐声中, 猫妈妈和小花猫扛着鱼竿,踏着优美的舞步上.

    • Cow: black and white cat, and lively personality, family, and have a bath insecticide.

      奶牛: 黑白花猫咪, 性格活泼, 亲人, 已经洗澡驱虫.