
汉语拼音:qì zhì



    • For indigestion, food retention and qi stagnation, diarrhea abdominal distension.

      促进消化不良 、 食积气滞 、 腹泻、腹胀的康复.

    • It is applied for the early large carbuncles, with accumulated hot toxin and Qi blood stasis.

      仙方活命饮应用于痈疡肿毒初起, 热毒壅聚,气滞血瘀.

    • Toxic dampness anddeficiency of spleen and stomach, stagnation ofand blood were regarded as of allergic purpura.

      认为过敏性紫癜是由于感受湿热邪毒,蕴积脾胃, 气滞血瘀,血溢脉外而致.

    • Improper diet and emotional maladjustment to the illness's recrudescence and turning to complexity. "


    • For thirst, constipation and other intestinal Yin dry heat or blood stagnation, Jia You.

      对于口渴 、 便秘等阴虚肠燥或血热气滞者尤佳.

    • Methods There were 32 Blood - Stasis Syndrome of CAD, 15 cases in QSBS and 17 cases in QDBS.
