The Bank made it clear that it was not aiming to bring down three-month lending rates, which are the markets' most acute pressure point.
银行清楚地表明其意并非拉低三个月拆出利率这一货币市场最灵敏地压力点。Demolition material are the advantages of pipe cleaner pipe cleaning, water flow rate can be relatively low, may be suspended.
拆出料管法的优点是管道清洗较干净,水源的流速可以较低、可以暂停。And then removed the pump shaft shell removed send impeller repair shop repair.
然后将轴拆出泵壳,拆下叶轮送修理厂修理。We disassembled, cleaned and ground the high and low pressure valves.
我们拆出高低压阀进行清洁研磨。You unpack the orb from the heavy-duty insulation stuffed around it.
你从塞满填充物的包裹中拆出这样一个球体来。On hrs 1800 the operations on this shift over, totally 626 pieces of cargos are stripped.
晚18点,本班拆箱工作结束,当日共计拆出626件货物。On hrs 1830 the shift operation over, totally 671 pieces of cargos are stripped.
18点30分,本班拆箱工作结束。本班共拆出货物671件。To replace the screw has been broken, you must first removal with piozoelectric plate, and then remove it.
要更换已断螺杆,必须先拆出带有断丝的扇形板,然后将其取出。The maximum amount of interbank borrowing or interbank lending for a securities company shall not be more than 80% of its net assets;