But even with this factor accounted for, geologists don't believe that alone would have been enough to create such an enormous wave.
但即使考虑这一因素,地质学者仍不相信仅凭这一点就足以形成这么巨大的波浪。Mayo spent the last two years of his life working in Britain, which he had visited as a student. He died in Guildford, Surrey.
作为访问学者,梅奥在伦敦度过了人生的最后两年,逝世于吉尔福德萨里郡。In 1975, a scholar at the French National Library found a batch file, and then South Korea has been trying to get them returned.
1975年,一名学者在法国国家图书馆发现了这批文件,之后韩国一直在设法让它们物归原主。Others have explained our insistence on a fair division by citing the need, for our ancestors, to be sheltered by a strong group.
其他学者则将人们坚持公平分享,归因于我们的祖先必须依附在强大团体的庇护下。According to its distinguishing characteristics, we adopt the definition "Complex Form of Approximate" by one of the scholars.
根据该约量特点,本文决定延用其他学者对其的命名,称其为“套叠式约量表达”。In the last years, tannase has been the subject of a lot of studies due to its commercial importance and complexity as catalytic molecule.
由于单宁酸酶催化机制复杂且商品化需求日益增加,在过去的几年里,已成为了许多专家学者研究的热点。Many scholars believe Lewis took his own life as a result of depression, alcohol abuse, or failing to marry or to publish.
很多学者相信刘易斯是自杀,原因是长期的沮丧、滥用酒精、婚姻和公共形象的失败等等。So far, no scholar has conducted a comparatively comprehensive and systematic study in it. This essay is a fulfillment of it.
对紫金花朝戏进行比较全面和系统的研究,目前还没有学者介入这一方面。This tears be arrived always and gradually by the instep of the iron and stone scholar, the heart of his stock and stone.