In his late years, Rong Hong settled in the United States, but his concern for the fate and future of his country was as intense as ever.
晚年,容闳定居美国但他对于国家的命运与前途依然极为关注。He was the first Chinese ever to have graduated from an American university.
容闳是第一个毕业于美国大学的中国留学生。Among the legacies bequeathed by Yung Hong and "the Boy Students" , the spirit of tolerance is energetically carried forward.
容闳和“留美幼童”留下的遗产,当前最值得大力弘扬的是包容精神。My Life in China and America is a window from which Yung Wing's social and educational thoughts as well as his contribution are revealed.
《西学东渐记》是展示容闳社会和教育思想以及历史贡献的重要窗口。English Teacher of Zhuhai Yung Wing International Kindergarten.
珠海容闳国际幼稚园外籍教师。An American once remarked, "Rong Hong has a sence of patriotism in every fiber, from head to foot. "
美国人特韦契耳也评论容闳说:“他从头到脚,身上每一根神经纤维都是爱国的。”Then in February 2010 we moved to Zhuhai for Tianbi's work and I found Yung Wing Kindergarten here!
2010年2月,因天碧的工作变动,我们移居珠海,知道了容闳国际幼稚园。And O Yung says that, at some point, he, too, will return to the closet.
O容闳说,从某种意义上说,他也将回到壁橱里。Yung wrote to president of Yale College Noah Porter, detailing the government's education program.