汉语拼音:yán ér yǒu xìn
说话算数,守信用。《论语·学而》:“与朋友交,言而有信,虽曰未学,吾必谓之学矣。” 信:信用。
- 【解释】:说话靠得住,有信用。
- 【出自】:《论语·学而》:“与朋友交,言而有信。”
- 【示例】:则要你~,休担阁了少年人。
◎元·戴善夫《风光好》第三折 - 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、定语;用于讲信用的人
You want them to continue to do business with you and to tell others that you are a person of your word, not an eloquent fraud.
你得要他们继续和你合作,并且告诉其他人你是个言而有信的人,而不是个不知廉耻的骗子。It means he's a man of his word. But we've got no time for this. You have to get me out of here before they arrive.
意思是他是个言而有信的人。不过我们没有时间谈这个了,在他们来之前你必须带我离开这里。Thanks to a well-placed bribe, she escaped execution; the children's files were buried in glass jars.
感谢一次言而有信的贿赂,她逃脱了死刑,孩子们的文件藏在了玻璃罐中。Because the book grew up to know the rationale is and will keep its promise is no longer naive, "nonsense. "
因为,长大就是知书达理和言而有信,就是不能再天真、“胡闹”。And trustworthy, deal, keeps his promise, is said to do, is not false fraud.
守信,就是言而有信,遵守诺言,说到做到,不虚伪欺诈。I see you're a man of your word.
【翻译】我觉得你是个言而有信的人。If the commitment to give material encouragement, be sure to keep its promise.
如果承诺给予物质鼓励,则一定要言而有信。Now the question is: Will Microsoft take him at his word?
现在问题来了:微软会言而有信吗?Sure, we all know you are sensitive, serious, and mean every word you say.