Tonight the surly bonds of earth seemed more surly than usual.
Retiring early from his job freed him to join several local clubs.
He began to have a new horror of winning , of the victories of untrammeled autonomy.
But we do need a little freedom from our leashes on occasion.
Our love would not bind you nor our needs hold you.
An eagle soars overhead skimming on the air currents, free and unfettered.
一只苍鹰趁着一股气流在云际翱翔, 它自由自在,毫无羁绊.
TAKAHASHI: Friendship . The bond between one human being and another.
高桥: 友情,人与人之间的羁绊.
The language of God means integrating your character with God and uncorrupted.
We are all prisoners of our past.
There are also big political hurdles.
If treatment unjust or bad, it may spoil the special bond between us.
如果你对我不公平,待我不好, 这会破坏你我之间那份特别的羁绊.
A noose is hidden for him on the ground ; a trap lies in his path.
10活扣为他藏在土内. 羁绊为他藏在路上.
Then break your chain, my boat and be free and fearlessly rush to your wreck.
那么,挣断铁链, 我的小船,摆脱羁绊,无畏地冲向你的毁灭吧!
The reason was that they felt the rules by the fetters of an adult life skills.
The nuns have taken a vow to live a life free of worldly possessions.