A milky twilight crept about the stairway and the landings below.
The coelomic fluid is a milky white liquid.
Bushes across the river stood round and bright - coloured out of a milky haze.
Green changed to white, emerald to an opal: nothing was changed.
绿色倒入杯中,褪为乳白.翡翠抛离光芒, 化为猫眼: 一切如故.
The apples display their milliner's scraps of ivory silk, rose - tinged.
苹果树炫耀着女帽饰带般的枝条,恰似绸缎, 乳白中点缀着玫瑰红.
Conclusions Small incision cataract extraction is safe, effective and convenient for traumatic cataract.
结论小切口非超乳白内障摘出术在外伤性白内障手术中是一种简便、安全 、 有效的方法.
Opals and emeralds, they lie about the roots of turnips.
有乳白宝石、绿宝石, 它们都散失在芜菁的根部旁边.
Ding Shaozao white porcelain body thin, creamy white glaze, looks fine.
定窑烧造的白瓷胎薄, 釉色乳白, 造型精美.
Major proteins: b - lactoglobulin , a - lactalbumin, bovine serum albumin, and immunoglobulin.
主要的蛋白组成是 - 乳球蛋白, -乳白蛋白, 牛血清白蛋白, 和免疫球蛋白.
When radon gas emitted as springs, very quickly, a phenomenon opal.
当氡气随泉水喷出, 速度很快, 便出现乳白现象.
Water is so fresh . Nice smell these soaps have.
This nitrate opalesces under certain conditions.
Objective To observe the surgical results of small incision cataract extraction in traumatic cataract.
Opal diffuser with 70 % optical efficiency provides wide luminance dust and moisture proof easy to clean.
In the shrubbery creamy white varnishes the street light, is dodging the spooky light.
灌木丛中乳白青漆的街灯, 闪着幽幽的光.