Milk is the natural food for young babies.
They are chewing the juicy grass which makes their fur sleek.
Nursing stimulates further production of prolactin and, therefore, of milk.
哺乳本身刺激催乳激素的产生, 从而生产更多的乳汁.
Description: Perennial herbaceous vines, with milky juice , glabrous throughout.
形态特徵: 多年生草质藤本, 全体无毛, 有乳汁.
Secreting or yielding a milky juice , as certain plants and insects.
Oxytocin causes the expression of stored milk; prolactin orders more.
催产素产生贮存的乳汁; 催乳素催发出更多的乳汁.
Lactation: Production of milk by female mammals after giving Birth.
泌乳: 妇女生育后分泌乳汁的现象.
Yellow mother's milk for generations nurtured the growth of the people here.
Ganlin you down, just as sweet milk, nourishing my child.
你降下甘霖, 就像香甜的乳汁, 滋润着我的孩子.
The more suckling, the more milk is produced.
A baby sucks milk from his mother's breast.
Nor is milk, except for children.
Gynecology: Menopause barriers, menstrual cramps, menstrual flow, and milk secretion insufficiency, high prolactin hyperlipidemia.
妇科: 更年期障碍 、 经痛 、 月经不顺 、 乳汁分泌不全 、 高催乳激素血症.
You like a gentle mother, with a sweet milk feeding us so that we grow.
您像一位温和的母亲, 用甜美的乳汁哺育着我们,使我们茁壮成长.
The present paper reviews close relations between milk cows, milk secreted by gland, and cosmetic industry.