
    • Black currants, red - berried jams, green pepper, roasted berries , spices, plums.

      黑加仑, 红莓酱, 绿椒, 烤炙过的浆果,辣, 黑李子味.

    • Among them was cassis, a black currant dessert wine.

      桌上摆放着黑醋栗, 一种黑加仑甜酒.

    • I prefer the blackcurrant jam that my aunt makes.


    • Flavor characteristics: Black currant, cedar, green pepper, mint, dark chocolate, tobacco, olives.

      口味特征: 黑加仑, 雪松, 青辣椒, 薄荷味, 黑巧克力味, 烟草味, 橄榄味.

    • Cherries, violets, strawberries, black currants, red currants.

      莓子, 紫罗兰, 草莓, 黑加仑, 红加仑.

    • The 2004 FISH ROCK, Australian Cabernet Merlot has an intense crimson hue a blackcurrant fruit nose.


    • Style: Dark ruby color ripe black currants almonds violets and vanilla spicy oaks scents.

      风格: 暗宝石红,成熟的黑加仑味,杏仁味,紫罗兰香,香草味,香料味,橡木味以及香水味.

    • On the palate, the attack is soft and fruity, with blackcurrant, plum and blueberry flavors.

      入口时口感柔顺, 并且包含着黑加仑, 黑洋李和蓝莓的香味.

    • Initially dense and fleshy, the liquorice, loganberry and dark currant flavours roll across the palate.

      最初是浓郁又丰富肉汁味道, 甘草 、 罗甘莓、黑加仑子的味道紧接而来.

    • Comments: Medimm - Bodied red wine with concentrated blackcurrant and plummy bouquet, velvet texture with vanilla oaks taste.

      评语: 酒体中性,富浓郁的黑加仑子香味, 口感柔顺,略带香草橡木味道.

    • Tasting notes: Bouquet of red fruits and blackcurrant, lightly spiced and supple on the palate.

      品尝特征: 红色莓果和黑加仑的香气占主体, 有些许的香料味儿夹杂其间.

    • This wine balances the varietytypical blackcurrant, mint and herbal characters with ripe strawberry and jam aromas.

      这种酒溶合了黑加仑, 薄荷及草本植物的特色,融入了熟草莓及果酱的香味.

    • Why should sauvignon blanc be stuck with boring old gooseberry and cabernet sauvignon with cassis?


    • Bouquet: Rich Cabernet Sauvignon nose . Has a unique bouquet of fresh walnuts, leather, and black currants.

      气味: 有丰富的嘉本纳沙威浓的香味,及独特的新鲜的胡桃木 、 皮革 、 和黑加仑子的香味.

    • Redcurrant, mint, tropical fruit, orange box tree , crushed black currant buds, passionfruit, grassy apples.

      红浆果, 薄荷, 热带水果, 桔子, 碎黑加仑芽, 火龙果,香草, 苹果.